
Monday Nov 04, 2019
7 - Mommie Dearest
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
"Tina, pass me the axe."
Happy (belated) Halloween, Baguettes.
Is there anything more iconic that Faye Dunaway giving it her all as Joan Crawford? Matt, Cass and James didn't know because they had not yet witnessed the mesmerising train wreck that is Mommie Dearest (1981), based on Christina Crawford's tell-all memoir published a year after her mother's death.
Find out if they're biffing Crawford and Dunaway or keeping her for good. One things for certain:
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Monday Oct 21, 2019
6 - Shutter Island
Monday Oct 21, 2019
Monday Oct 21, 2019
One big island demands one big episode, we're looking at Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island!
Starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo as well groomed men of the 50s you just love to ship, these duly appointed federal marshals are gunna smoke out all the nonsense on this isle. Where's Rachel Solando? Why did Michelle Williams book this gig? Why are you all wet, baby?
Can James' Halloween pick sway Matt and Cass or is this island getting shuttered up for good?
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.

Monday Oct 07, 2019
5 - Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist
Monday Oct 07, 2019
Monday Oct 07, 2019
To Infinity and beyond? With Nick and Norah and their playlist?
Cass, Matt and James are doubting their chances with this indie mixed bag starring Michael Cera and Kat Dennings about one long night of music, love and way too much gross out humour.
Will we placing this flick on our nostalgia playlist or is it going the way of the tape and CD, straight into the biff?
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.

Monday Sep 23, 2019
4- Maid In Manhattan
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Praise New Yawk, we gotta new ep!
That's right, we couldn't resist a J-Lo flick with how much Hustlers is popping off so it's Maid in Manhattan (2002) time! Starring Jennifer Lopez, Ralph Fiennes and a ton of great supporting actors.
The hustle is real for a maid (in Manhattan), especially when you're a poor, single mum, raising a young Republican. But never fear, a handsome senator-to-be doing the worst American accent might be just around a corner with a dog and Stanley Tucci in tow.
Had we already made (in Manhattan) our minds up about this mixed bag? Did we J-Love it? Why isn't Tyler Posey's career bigger? Cause that kid is TALENTED!
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.

Sunday Sep 08, 2019
3- Bedazzled
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Sunday Sep 08, 2019
Welcome back! This week we dive into a strange new world where one of the hottest movie stars was a charming, doughboy called Brendan Fraser. Bedazzled (2000) stars Brendan Fraser and Elizabeth Hurley, directed by Harold Ramis.
It's the Faust narrative all over again but this time, with SEX! Elliot Richards is a uncool dude that can't find love or friends until he bumps into The Devil, complete in Jessica Rabbit regalia. She offers him seven wishes to make the love of his life, Alison (Frances O'Connor) notice and fall in love with him and all he has to exchange? His soul.
A childhood favourite of James, will the trio be dazzled by The Devil or the flick send it straight to hell?
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.

Sunday Aug 25, 2019
2 -Across The Universe
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
This week we're sailing into the cosmos with the Beatles jukebox musical, Across The Universe!
Were we charmed by the soulful Sturgess? Did Evan Rachel Wood evan make an impression? Could we "take more" of Taymor's visuals? Listen in to see if Matt, James and Cass want to bag it or biff it.
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.

Thursday Aug 08, 2019
1 - Forrest Gump
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Thursday Aug 08, 2019
Welcome to our bumper pilot episode of Mixed Bag!
The latest movie podcast to grace your screens, Mixed Bag looks at the mixed, muddled and meh movies throughout film history. Featuring Matt, Cass and Jim.
For our first episode we wanted to go big, and what bigger film than the Oscar winning Tom Hanks vehicle Forrest Gump that took the world by storm in 1994?
Nowadays the sheen has come off Gump and Matt, Cass and Jim open the bag to find out if what's inside is worth bagging or binning.
Follow us on Facebook (MixedBagPod), Instagram (@MixedBagPodcast) and Twitter (@MixedBagPod) or email us at mixedbagcontact@gmail.com if you have a request.